Lisa Sasevich
"I now make millions of dollars with what I used
to give away for free!"
Graham is the coach who helped me identify
Million Dollar Value, connected me with his six figure mastermind
group and got me on my first stage presenting "The
Invisible Close".
With his persistent encouragement I was able to take
what I was unconsciously brilliant at and build a business that now makes me
Millions of Dollars every
Before "The Invisible Close" Existed:
Lisa Sasevich -
teleclass enrollments QUADRUPLED after working with Graham."
Graham's encouragement to change my
focus to what I'm brilliant at has changed my business and my life.
His guidance led me to discover my true Million Dollar Value and I now
make more money in an hour than I used to make in a Month!
Mari Shares Her Results:
Craig Gauthier
"I made over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS in two hours with the presentation Graham helped me create."
I was WAY OFF before I came to Graham in what I believed was the greatest value I had to offer.
Working with him not only got me clear on what my Million Dollar Value
is, but his strategies put me on stage with a presentation that was so
powerful I was literally begging people NOT to purchase the demand was
so overwhelming! Speakers with DECADES of experience were asking me who I was and how I just did $500,000 in sales from a single offer!!!
Craig Gauthier -
Casey Truffo
"I DOUBLED workshop registrations and monthly sales. I'm up to $20,000/mo!!!"
was able to take a look at my website traffic, Google statistics and
marketing strategies and help me get every single one of them converting
to MUCH higher sales. I've QUADRUPLED my net income!
Casey Explains Her Results:
Casey Truffo - Be A Wealthy
Melanie Benson Strick
"Graham helped my transition into a successful Six Figure Trainer."
helped me make the transition from being a coach to becoming a trainer
and step into it with the confidence and knowledge that I have something
of tremendous value to offer.
I love the fact that I not only get to do what I really love, but that I get to make a fabulous living doing it!
Melanie Benson Strick -
Kevin Doherty
"I created an entire six figure business from what I learned from Graham."
After completely recrafting my own online image, Graham encouraged
me to me to offer coaching to other
acupuncturists. In just
two years I have hundreds of satisfied clients and have added hundreds of thousands
of dollars to my income.
Kevin Doherty