I began working with Lisa Sasevich before she even had an awareness that the Invisible Close would be her brand. It was obvious that she had energy, knowledge and a special something, but she didn't yet know what her Million Dollar Value was.
Lisa came to me in order to uncover what that Million Dollar Value was and within a few weeks it became obvious to me what that value would be and the steps necessary to turn that Million Dollar Value into a Million Dollar Brand.
Today it's hard to imagine that Lisa Sasevich would be doing anything other than training others to boost sales without being 'salesy', but when I began working with her she was a stay-at-home-mom who had no idea what she was going to do next.
I had her write The Invisible Close, connected her with my team of designers and got her first teleclass set up. A little while later I got her on stage at an event that I was speaking at and connected with other speakers and trainers...and the rest is now history.
I am not able to manifest value, only recognize the value someone has and the most Effective and Ethical ways to Market it. If you believe that you have untapped personal and financial potential I recommend that you fill in the contact form on the site and I will follow up with an assessment form that will allow me to go through your details and provide you with my personal recommendations.
WEBSITES THAT SIZZLE Teleclass is now available for audio download as the series "SIMPLE MARKETING MAGIC'. Lisa Sasevich began with this series before her first product or website was ever created. Her interview about this series is below.
Graham White