Craig Gauthier - Strategy Line


Craig first came to me with the idea of developing a workbook for seminar leaders that would allow their attendees to get more value out of presentations.  While I found the idea thoughtful, it didn't strike me as profitable.


Craig is a self-made millionaire and had some experience on stage.  After some digging I was able to determine that Craig's genius was so easy for him that he didn't realize how valuable it would be to others.  


It took many months, but we developed a presentation around what he was brilliant at, leveraged his authentic presentation style and connected him to a seminar series where people would be looking for his topic.  Craig called me after his first presentation on the presentation we put together to let me know he had sold over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF HIS COURSE!!!


There were seasoned veterans at the event coming up to Craig and asking him who he was and where he learned how to market so well.  In fact, Craig was doing his best to talk people out of buying his course that he didn't think it was ideal for.  There was no one else at that event that had the kind of response Craig had.